Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Preventing Skin Diseases With Organic Natural Skin Care Products


The sun is a significant source of ultraviolet rays which has been linked to wrinkles, blemishes, and even dermatological caner. It is for this reason that a number of warnings and precautionary measures have been issued by well being authorities to safeguard one's skin.

One does not right away notice the harmful effects of constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation given that its impact is cumulative. Small modifications develop up over time and will accumulate and combine to create a additional significant disease such as the development of skin tumors.

Moreover, if one does not take the effort to defend the skin from the sun, there will be development of skin spots, skin discolorations, moles, freckles and even wrinkles.

There are many ways to avoid and treat skin challenges. In truth, the airwaves and print media have been flooded with advertisements for products that promise instant relief from skin issues. Some will blindly use these merchandise in an effort to get rid of facial wrinkles and sagging necklines. But small do they know of the risks linked with the rampant use and abuse of these goods.

Why not go the natural way and use organic natural skin care items in receiving rid of your skin difficulties?

Aloe vera is 1 of the most common ingredients in natural anti wrinkle products. Aloe vera is mentioned to promote skin regeneration by hastening cell renewal.

Honey is utilised as a facial moisturizer because it contains silicones which works as a regenerative substance to assist prevent skin sagging particularly in the neck location.

One more organic natural skin care substance is almond oil which has the ability to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin providing nourishment and protection and enhancing the oxygenation process that takes place on the skin surface.

Eggs include vitamins A, B, D, and E which are highly imperative in keeping our skin healthy. Eggs also contain lecithin which is an excellent skin moisturizer.

You Can Try Aloe Vera For Ulcerative Colitis and Other Skin Diseases


Aloe vera is a plant that was originally identified in Africa. It looks like a lily, with thick, green, spiny, succulent leaves. The plant in most cases has up to 25 leaves. It is applied to make aloe gel which is the created from the whole leaf, aloe juice which is produced from the nutritious liquid inside the leaf, aloe-vera latex which is a yellow fluid in the leaf with laxative properties and aloe vera capsules which are employed as dietary supplements.

Applied as digestive, laxative and skincare preparations aloe is recognized to generate no allergic reaction. Having mentioned that when aloe is internally ingested diuretics, steroids, digoxin, drugs that trigger potassium loss and drugs for irregular heartbeat need to have to be avoided. If drugs for controlling blood sugar are becoming taken you should not use aloe as it reduces blood sugar levels.

Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP), 1 of the components of aloe is what provides aloe its healing abilities. AMPs are sugar molecules consisting of separate mannose and glucose sugar molecules in combination. This discovery of the medicinal abilities of AMP has been widely considered to be a significant breakthrough in the autoimmune and gastrointestinal fields of medicine.

Aloe vera is utilized in the remedy of digestive tract ailments like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease (IBD) and Crohn's illness. An ailment of the colon, ulcerative colitis is the inflammation of the digestive tract. This could result in permanent dilation of the colon or even perforation of the colon. The reason why aloe vera is utilised in treating this disease is that its anti-inflammatory abilities assist calm the inflammation in the digestive tract. In addition aloe vera also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that support the condition. Although Aloe is utilized widely to treat many different digestive disorders, from mild to moderate to severe, Aloe is frequently employed effectively in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

Unexplained Skin Diseases Review


The book titled, Unexplained Skin Difficulties, is written by Don Rainwater and discusses each popular skin issues as effectively as remedy to relieve them. It is written in a non-technical way and delivers data in layman's terms. This makes it simple to read and to assimilate.

Some of the skin troubles discussed contain eczema, shingles, fever blisters, scabies, ringworm and hives. There are also discussions of hives, ringworm and morgellons disease. The author goes into depth about both treatments 1 can do at property and how to identify the triggers. He is a proponent of natural remedies.

Lots of of these skin conditions are hard to diagnosis and the scratching and can make 1 quite irritable and uncomfortable. The book is a practical guide and perfect for parents as effectively as adults that suffer from skin illnesses.

This book is written with a conversational tone and dives ideal into key details. Getting a detailed list of symptoms for many skin conditions is certainly something beneficial to have about the house for purposes of reference. Your child may come property from school with a rash that is challenging to identify. This resource can support you to clarify the problem and find a resolution. If someone in your household has a skin condition, you'll discover new points and concepts utilizing natural suggestions.

Specific skin conditions such as eczema, shingles and scabies can be particularly frustrating due to the itching and burning of the skin. The author writes in a compassionate style that is beneficial to an individual suffering from one of these problems.

Fungal Skin Conditions - Understanding Several Different Kinds of Skin Diseases


Fungal skin conditions generally give irritable signs and symptoms that will absolutely get your attention. These well being conditions come in several kinds, which are frequently treated by making use of topical medications or anti-fungal meds as popularly recognized. They have to be treated at once given that they can lead to severe cases in particular when you have diabetes or other illnesses that can aggravate alot more the condition.

Fungal skin difficulties can be transmitted to yet another via direct contact on the person's affected skin. Some of the consumers neglect to treat fungal skin conditions due to the fact they often believe that it is just mild situations and they lack of information about it, but the truth is these conditions requirements prompt therapy in order to steer clear of it to turn into worse.

Let's speak a small bit about what could be the trigger of the condition.

* Ringworm

Ringworm is a communicable fungal infection that occurs on the scalp, body (commonly on the groin), nails, and feet. This condition appears as red ring on the infected skin of the individual and can be transmitted by means of direct and indirect contact. The signs and symptoms of ringworm are red, itchy, elevated, scaly patches that could possibly ooze and blister. The patches normally have sharply-defined edges. They are often noticed as reddened ring with standard skin tone on the center and unusually dark or light. If the scalp is affected you will have bald patches and on the infected nails, it will appear as thick, discolored and even crumble. This condition can be treated with anti fungal medicines that can be taken orally or can be applied directly on the affected area.

* Athlete's Foot

This is 1 of the fungal skin conditions that is also named Tinea pedis, which is a non-critical prevalent infection that brought on by tinea fungus. The symptoms of this skin condition are burning, itching, scaly and cracked skin among the toes. This can spread on the toenails thus making them crumbly and thick. The remedies of this skin condition are over the counter fungal-killing topical or oral medications. Severe circumstances need prescription of doctors.

It is honestly very important to be knowledgeable about these wellness matters to know what you will do to it when it occurs to you. Fungal skin conditions requirements prompt remedy even if you believe that it is a mild condition given that left untreated it can absolutely worsen.

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Acanthosis Nigricans: A Skin Marker of Internal Disease

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What is Acanthosis Nigricans?

It is a skin disorder characterized by thickening, pigmentation and a fine or rough velvety look, particularly over body folds like neck, axilla and groin. The importance of acanthosis nigricans lies in the fact that it can be caused by a assortment of illnesses, from obesity to cancer.

Individuals with acanthosis nigricans are recognized for their resistance to insulin in diabetes.

According to the causes, acanthosis nigricans is divided into two key types:


  1. Hereditary benign acanthosis nigricans: This runs in families, but does not typically show any evidence of endocrinological disturbances or internal malignancy.
  2. Endocrinal acanthosis nigricans: It is connected with a number of endocrine difficulties like acromegaly, addison's disease, Cushing's illnesses, insulin resistant diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, ovarian hyperthecosis, hepatic cirrhosis,Wilson's illness etc
  3. Pseudo acanthosis nigricans: This is a reversible kind and often begins in puberty. It frequently affects dark skinned people and is related with obesity
  4. Drug induced acanthosis nigricans: Nicotinic acid is notorius in causing acanthosis nigricans. Other drugs like stilbostreol, corticosteroids, oral contraceptive pills and so on can also cause acanthosis nigricans like lesions.

B. MALIGNANT ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS(Associated with cancerous growths inside).

Internal malignancies (cancers), specially the adenocarcinomas affecting the stomach, lungs etc can cause acanthosis nigricans. Often lymphoma might be the culprit.

Hence it is essential to acquire out the cause of acanthosis nigricans. Here are a few pointers that may help in differentiating benign from malignant variety of acanthosis nigricans:

How to Differentiate Between the Innocent Benign and the Harmful Malignant Varieties?

for an image of Acanthosis nigricans.

Onset : Benign - Birth, childhood or puberty. Malignant - Adulthood, old age


Extent of involvement: Benign - Much less. Malignant - Widespread

Distal extremities: Benign - Spared. Malignant - Affected

Mucous membrane involvement: Benign - Rare . Malignant - Prevalent-up to 50%

Hair, nail, palms & soles: Benign - Rare, Malignant - Widespread

Pigmentation: Benign - Less, limited to thickened areas. Malignant - Far more, extend beyond thickened locations.

Skin Thickening: Benign - Mild to moderate. Malignant - Marked

Skin Irritation: Benign - Less or nil. Malignant - A great deal more

When to Consult Dermatologist?

When the pigmentation is severe and the signs of malignancy is present as above.

Salient Points indicating presence of related internal cancer are:

  • Late onset
  • Rapid progression
  • Severe affection
  • Extensive distribution
  • Mucous membrane involvement
  • Much more symptoms like irritation and sudden look of skin tags

Suggestions On Dealing With Acanthosis Nigricans


  1. Differentiate between benign and malignant with the support of a dermatologist
  2. Reduction of weight
  3. Strict diabetic control
  4. Regular aerobic exercises
  5. Full investigations including tumor markers, hormonal assay, ultra sound scan, MRI and so on
  6. Regular medical check up, semi annual
  7. Report any sudden changes in morphology


  1. Scrub too much, as frequent rubbing will only increase skin thickening and pigmentation
  2. Use powerful abrasives: tend to irritate the skin a lot more.

Therapy Guidelines of Acanthosis Nigricans

1. Correction of underlying cause

  • Removal of tumor
  • Correction of endocrine disorder
  • Reduction of weight
  • Removal of causative drug
2. Dietary supplementation with fish oil containing omega 3 fatty acids have been reported to be


three. Cyproheptadine has been discovered helpful in some instances

4. Management of Skin Lesions:

  • Topical Retin A
  • Salicylic acid application alone or in mixture with steroids, alternating with emollient applications to minimize irritation.
  • In severe unresponsive instances, systemic retinoids may be given a trial.

An Interesting Case

Curth HO (Archives of Dermatology, Vol 102, 1970) reports a remarkable case of acanthosis nigricans persisting for years even soon after excising a leiomyoma of stomach,squamous cell carcinoma of bladder and nephrectomy of one kidney for transitional cell carcinoma in a 84 year old man. Then one lesion of adenocarcinoma was found in his colon and removed. Surprise! His long standing acanthosis nigricans disappeared inside a few days with out any treatment! Moral: To attain cure you must excise the responsible hormone secreting tumor, not just any tumor!


Data provided in this post is strictly for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the suggestions provided by your own dermatologist or other medical specialists. You should really not use the facts contained herein for diagnosing or treating a wellness challenge or disease, or prescribing any medication. A number of skin illnesses have comparable morphology and may possibly resemble 1 a different, although their remedy protocol varies. Hence, self diagnosis and treatment are not advised. In case of doubt at all times be on the safer side and consult your dermatologist or physician.

Dry Skin Diseases


Dry skin diseases are typical in dogs. They are quite irritating and trigger a lot of discomfort to your dog. When a dog suffers from any sort of skin concern he scratches itself all the time or from time to time bites its skin also. To be able to keep your beloved pet secure from such trouble and have a lovely time with him, you ought to make certain certain items. It is essential to look into dry skin disease or other skin problems as soon as you detect them. Your dog ought to be taken to the vet prior to the situation develop into harder to control.

The dry skin problems mostly happen during the winter season. As the temperature begins to drop this situation makes its way into the life of your pet. You may notice your pet continuously scratching or licking itself. It is in reality the impact of this season which makes life really challenging for your pet. His skin becomes so dry that it hurts. If the interior of your residence is dry there can be much more chances that your dog will have this skin situation. In this case, you ought to make use of a room humidifier which will support you to moisten your interior. Moisturizing shampoo can also be really support to deal with this predicament.

You do not have to shampoo your dog too frequently in winters but whenever you do, you should use these shampoos. Other than moistening the skin of your pet they are also beneficial to get rid of fleas and parasites. You can also use other natural extracts such as horsetail, dandelion, spirulina, or focus. They are beneficial for giving life to the skin and fur of your dog other than perking up his digestive program. You must also brush your pt time and once again so that you can get rid of useless hair and dander. The good quality of food you supply to him should also be fine. For treating dryness you ought to add fatty dietary supplements to the diet plan of your pet.

It is consistently advisable to take your dog to a vet in case you notice itching or redness on his skin. Dryness can be of diverse times and your vet is the proper person to suggest a remedy if property remedies do not work. As it can be particularly painful and irritating, you ought to not leave the issue as it is. Take your pet to the vet so that you can make sure his well being throughout the winters.

Dealing With the Triggers and Causes of Psoriasis


Psoriasis is 1 of the quite a few frequent skin illnesses that can be annoying, not only because it impacts an exposed skin like the arms and legs but also mainly because it is tricky to realize why it appears.

While a number of medical professionals come across it difficult to pinpoint the precise causes of psoriasis, there are nevertheless many triggers that can worsen it or cause flare-ups. Maintain in mind that this skin disease is not contagious, therefore you can not get them by merely touching a person with psoriasis.

When talking about the causes of psoriasis, professionals say that genetic aspects or heredity has one thing to do with it. Most usually, if you have a parent with psoriasis, you might end up creating 1 too. Genetics could possibly be a factor but there are also a large number of other triggering aspects that may possibly also worsen your condition and may well lead you to experience flare-ups.

Pressure for example is one key trigger of the countless physical discomforts we frequently expertise nowadays and although stress is regular, going beyond unmanageable pressure can lead to flare-ups or worsening of the symptoms of psoriasis. Of course, to deal with it, you have to manage anxiety in your life by exercising regularly and practicing meditation. Getting the symptoms of this skin disease is in itself stressful as the symptoms may well be embarrassing and the remedies time consuming, so it is indeed valuable to uncover approaches to manage anxiety in your life.

Cold weather is also another factor that could worsen your psoriasis or trigger its occurrence. The cold but dry weather in winter can be a poor factor for psoriasis sufferers as it makes your skin dry. In truth, 1 of the natural approaches in treating psoriasis is exposure to natural sunlight. To aid you with this, usually keep your skin moisturized and get a dose of sunlight to your skin when in a even though.

Other infections can also make the symptoms of psoriasis seem. Amongst the widespread infection that can trigger psoriasis are yeast infection, or thrush, boils, strep throat and HIV. If you have one these conditions along with your psoriasis, you may well want to consult your doctor for treatment of the infection that could possibly also lead to the disappearance of the symptoms of this skin illness.

It is also imperative that if you are experiencing even some slight symptoms of psoriasis, you need to also keep away from scratching or injuring your skin as these may well also trigger the formation of new lesions.

Keep in mind too that particular medications may possibly also be the culprit in the development of the symptoms of this skin disease. Corticosteroids, beta blockers and other drugs can be triggering elements and causes of psoriasis, thus often consult your doctor when it comes to taking them.

Your immune system also plays a huge role as properly in the development of psoriasis, thus you have to take fantastic care of your body and defend yourself by having a healthy diet as properly as maintaining a much less-stressful life.

Understanding the triggers and causes of psoriasis is genuinely 1 very good step towards finding relief and managing the symptoms of this annoying skin illness.